About wealth and poverty

We often see announcements in the social networks, in which people ask for financial help. They need money for healings or some special medical treatment, they need money for needs of their children or pets... What matter is, that it works, and people help. I already saw some “happy-end” pages of facebook, where the last message is something like “Surgery went good, the girl is getting better, many thanks to each of you who helped”. This is just a small example of how society of nowadays is working. And I don’t even speak about volunteering works. People use all sources to help and get a help when they need it. A British newspaper “The Guardian” published a material on January 2013. The lead says «Charity says $240bn amassed by 100 richest people last year would be enough to end extreme poverty four times over”. Read it again. And again... Yeah, that’s right. If only 100 richest men give up from 1/4 of their incomes of last year only, the world would not have extremely poor people, who live for less than 1 dollar per day. I understand, it sound like a happy fairy tale, but just imagine, for a second, how great it would be. And I am pretty sure, that riches with their “annual salary” can manage to survive one year with such “cuts”. Understanding, that it’s endless topic and the world was and always will be consist of rich and poor doesn’t make it easier to accept. Why, knowing that this money could let millions of people to survive and live a better life, they just keep filling bank accounts or buy castles, in which they don’t even stay due to the lack of time? I don’t understand, why they need all this, if after 30-50 years they gonna die? To how many generations they want ensure a golden future?  Well, probably it is very naive, but I am still wondering, if people that I mentioned in the beginning, help each others, by sharing the money of an ordinary salary, how big can be a impact of the top100 men?  


Tatiana Bogomazova №48740 

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